
On my penultimate day in Belgium I headed for Tournai, close to the frontier with France as I was keen to see its seminal cathedral. However, when I arrived I found there were massive renovations in place both inside and out, but it is still worth mentioning a few facts about the Cathedral. It is a stirring amalgamation of Romanesque and Gothic styles with five distinctive towers. Inside intricately carved capitals embellish its columns. In front of the altar there is a superb marble rood screen that depicts biblical events. There are also some wonderful 16th century stained glass windows  and a glorious painting by Rubens of the "Delivery of Souls from Purgatory ". Nearby was the Belfry, which dates back to 1188. I climbed its 257 stairs for a panoramic view of Tournai. Here are some photos of its carillon and the Cathedral. My last stop was the Pont des Trous, which spans the River l'Escaut and is the only surviving part of Tournai's medieval ramparts. Tomorrow I leave Brussels and take the TGV directly to the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for my flight home.


  1. What an amazing cathedral Neil! Can't believe your blog is coming to an end. I'll miss your descriptive passages & photos. 😔📃📷

    1. It's been fun!


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