Namur 2

I started the day with a rather exhausting trek up a serpentine track to Namur's medieval hilltop Citadel, one of Europe's mightiest fortresses. Tunnelled underneath the Citadel are a series of casemates or fortified gun emplacements through a damp, cold section of which I was able to walk. The Citadel is situated high above the confluence of the Meuse and Sambre rivers. Walking back along the banks of the Sambre I passed some charming river vessels such as the Archangel. My next stop was the multi-domed, triple naved 16th century Cathédrale St-Aubain. Inside I came across a doleful "Pourquoi Moi, Papa" statue of JC. I finished up at the Musée des Arts Anciens, which was displaying some exquisite gold and silver work from the 13th century. Here is a gorgeous, golden songbird from that period. Tomorrow I take the train due west to Mons.


  1. What a busy but tiring day! After a 🚿 or a 🛀a good night's 🛌 would be just the ticket. Nightie night


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