
On October 18 I head off to the province of Shandong on the north-east coast of China, flying direct from Sydney to Qingdao on the Yellow Sea with Beijing Capital Airlines. This cultural and scenic tour has been organised by the Australia-China Friendship Society and our enthusiastic group of about a dozen persons shall explore Shandong in an anti-clockwise direction for 19 days. Shandong is historically famous as it was the birthplace of the revered philosopher, Confucius. As well, Shandong was a centre of the infamous Boxer Rebellion between 1899 and 1901. The Boxers, known for their martial art prowess, were a pro-nationalist, anti-foreign, and anti-colonial organisation. Incensed by what they saw as mass insubordination, the 8 nation Colonial Alliance consisting of America, Austro-Hungary, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia eventually repelled, perhaps butchered would be more appropriate, the Boxer Movement in Peking, resulting in uncontrolled plunder and the summary execution of captured Boxers. Shandong is not on the tourist circuit in the same manner as, for example Beijing and Shanghai, so I am looking forward to being briefly immersed in the "real" China and sampling its renowned cuisine.


  1. 👍Came through loud & clear Neil. What an interesting tour coming up for you

    1. Yes, Joan and, regarding the octogenarian status of most of the group I can't imagine we'll be charging up or abseiling down too many mountains! So it won't be too strenuous. Hopefully the only exercise I will be doing is skulling Tsingtao! 🍺

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